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The best part about the game is it's platforming. I really found it pretty satisfying.

the combat is cool but I felt like it would've been better if the fire bar at the top didn't just fully go down when I got hit. When you charge attack you need to be close to the enemy to be able to hit them, but I would sometimes get hit before attacking then I would have to wait until the bar went full again which I felt like it was not worth it.

Overall, amazing job! Keep up the good work!

I like the ash animation at the start but it does go on for too long at the start of each level. I completed all the levels but didn't go for a quick time.

I have no idea what Charge is or what it's used for. It took me some investigating to realise that there was a sfx for refilling your energy bar (It just felt random when I was playing).

Dying and respawning is cool, enemies are too few and easy to avoid to see though. I had to die purposely to see it. There's also no reason to fight them as I can avoid them by flying most of the time. 

Attacking is also generally pretty slow and doesn't have much weight to it.

Gliding is pretty good, but I'm using it pretty much all the time so it doesn't feel that special.

Good work overall, look forward to see you complete this :)

Okay, I came from your latest devlog and reached the end goal of each level. I assume you want feedback so here are some of my thoughts. ^_^

I think I found some bugs, firstly that reaching the end goal didn't stop the timer or end the level for any of the ten levels. Secondly, if I pause the game while the bird is still in the starting animation and then return to the game, I can move around as the ash sprite. Lastly, the first level seems to spawn the bird on the roof of the level.

The game has nice physics in my opinion, although I feel like something is off.
It wasn't initially intended to be a platformer speedrunning game though so that makes sense. On that same line of thought, the intro animation for each level doesn't feel right with the speedrunning focus, it seems a bit too long and not easy to exit right when I'm ready to play.

The levels were made quickly, so I won't bother mentioning everything that could be improved. I know with more time you could improve them. I enjoyed the tileset change on the final level, too. For someone who hasn't played before though, it could be a little easier on level 10 for example to work out which way I'm 'intended' to go. I never got fully lost, but it was partially guesswork for a few moments. (Although fixing the 'you spawn on the roof' bug would help with that.)

Lastly, sounds. I have a feeling these will change, haha, but the sound every time you jump could be softer or less dramatic if that makes sense, and the enemy hitting you sound could be more hostile. I think it's the same as one of the positive sounds. But I really think they're placeholders so whatever lol.

Thanks for uploading your demo, I hope my feedback is useful :]

Hi thanks for the feedback. I fixed spawning on the roof on level1. I put the player there to record something for the video and forgot to change it back. Also to advance to the next level you have to use the interect key. (W for M+K and North Button for Gamepad). It seems like it's not intuitive so that's something I can definitely change. And yes, the audio is just a placeholder and will be changed.  Again, ty for the notes I will work on some of the other things soon.

Good work fixing it in a timely manner. More fun now ^_^ Have fun with your project!

It's a really awesome platformer, especially for a solo dev.